Hyderabad: There has been a check on the furtherance of the builders’ and developers’ plans in the city of Hyderabad. The realty sector stake holders are worried as the red tape has put an abeyance on the permissions and clearances in the city. This is primarily due to the Telangana government’s grand plans of construction of the physical infrastructure like the sky-walks and the expressways which has put approvals of thousands of buildings on hold.
The builders ruefully comment that the approvals and clearances that require to be taken before commencing any construction are moving very slowly in the regions of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC). This has an impact on the construction costs due to delay and escalation of material costs which is affecting the end user who has already invested in lakhs for their homes with expectations.
The builders ruefully comment that the approvals and clearances that require to be taken before commencing any construction are moving very slowly in the regions of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC). This has an impact on the construction costs due to delay and escalation of material costs which is affecting the end user who has already invested in lakhs for their homes with expectations.
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The realtors remark that GHMC officials had been given circulars by the government in March 2015 to put all the permissions and approvals on hold as the government plans for acquisition of more land for its major projects. One among them was the construction of Strategic Road Development (SRDP) which also includes the construction of skywalks, flyovers and expressways at major junctions and nodes of the city. The higher officials of the GHMC remarked that permission of new projects would have hampered the land acquisition process.
GHMC has 47,000 pending approvals and permissions which have accumulated in the department during the last five years and out of that it has put 1500 new projects on hold. The officials remark that applications once rejected have often been seen to be re-applied which causes more delay in the system. Out of the 47, 000 requests around 38, 000 were approved and 5, 600 were rejected in the month of November, 2014. The officials of GHMC remarked that civic officials are having difficulty in identifying the different land use patterns of the city.
The officials of the top realty firms remarked that in GHMC it normally takes three months to get the building plans sanctioned which is sorted out at the zonal level. But due to the government’s plan of infrastructure development and land acquisition they are scrutinizing the plans at the head office level which is taking six to eight months to obtain approvals.
The officials of the top realty firms remarked that in GHMC it normally takes three months to get the building plans sanctioned which is sorted out at the zonal level. But due to the government’s plan of infrastructure development and land acquisition they are scrutinizing the plans at the head office level which is taking six to eight months to obtain approvals.
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